
ReliefWeb results

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Rapport d’évaluation de la situation éducationnelle des populations déplacées dans la ville de Bunia, province de l’Ituri, République démocratique du Congo (du 29 avril au 17 mai 2024)

I. CONTEXTE DE LA MISSION La ville de Bunia est le centre principal d’accueil des plusieurs populations déplacées des territoires de Djugu et Irumu de suite des atrocités des groupes armés perpétrés contre des civils depuis 2019.…

Education Cluster, Save the Children, UNICEF
24 May 2024

Burkina Faso

WFP Burkina Faso Country Brief, April 2024

In Numbers 820,300 people assisted* (*Preliminary figures) 3,500 mt of food distributed US$ 151 million six-month net funding requirement (May–October 2024) Operational Updates - Findings from recent data collection by WFP highlight an alarming food and nutrition situation in twelve hard-toreach…

Benin + 14 more

Financing Home Grown School Feeding in West Africa - May 2024

Homegrown-Grown School Feeding (HGSF) can offer significant returns on investment, particularly in agriculturally diverse regions with arable lands. As a context-sensitive intervention, HGSF financing also demands tailored approaches. Acknowledging the uniqueness of each context is crucial…

Burundi + 1 more

WFP Burundi Country Brief, April 2024

In Numbers 681,987 people assisted in April 2024 USD 734,649 cash transferred under food assistance to people affected by flooding, refugees, returnees, and KfW- funded nutrition and resilience programme. 972 mt of food assistance distributed USD 20.60 m six months…

Burkina Faso

UNICEF Burkina Faso Humanitarian Situation Report No. 2, 1 to 30 April 2024

Highlights 26,497, children suffering from severe acute malnutrition have received therapeutic services at community level, including 1,647 through acute malnutrition management using alternative approaches by community health workers (CHW) in areas where health centers are closed. 198,292 pregnant…

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