Cartes / Infographies

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Chad + 18 more

Tchad : Tableau de bord humanitaire (au 30 juin 2016)

2 pages

Contexte actuel La planification humanitaire pour 2016 prévoit 4,3 millions de personnes dans le besoin dont 1,5 million ciblées pour une assistance humanitaire, reflétant des niveaux élevés de vulnérabilité dans tout le pays. Le Tchad continue à ressentir…


Mali : Évolution d'écoles fermées

Visualisation de la situation des écoles fermées par commune à la fin de l’année scolaire 2014-2015, à la fin de 2015, et, à la fin de l’année scolaire 2015-2016 Une version interactive des cartes se trouve à…

UNICEF, Govt. Mali, Save the Children, Education Cluster
1 Sep 2016

Cameroon + 2 more

Cameroon: Humanitarian Overview (as of 30 August 2016)

KEY DRIVERS OF THE CRISIS Recurring natural disasters such as droughts and floods combined with the volatility of markets, pushed many households and communities into chronic vulnerability. Conflict in northern Nigeria and CAR has displaced refugees to Cameroon,…


Nigeria: Humanitarian Dashboard (as of 25 August 2016)

SITUATION OVERVIEW In Nigeria, national, state and local authorities in collaboration with an expanding list of humanitarian partners continue their urgent efforts to address the needs of the displaced population and the host communities where the majority…

Nigeria + 3 more

Lake Chad Basin: Crisis Overview (as of 23 August 2016)

Background The violent conflict in the Lake Chad Basin has continuously deteriorated. Boko Haram raids and suicide bombings targeting civilians are causing widespread trauma, preventing people from accessing essential services and destroying vital infrastructure. Around 21 million…

Cameroon + 2 more

Cameroon: Humanitarian Overview (as of 22 August 2016)

KEY DRIVERS OF THE CRISIS Recurring natural disasters such as droughts and floods combined with the volatility of markets, pushed many households and communities into chronic vulnerability. Conflict in northern Nigeria and CAR has displaced refugees to Cameroon,…

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