Cartes / Infographies

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Cameroon + 2 more

Cameroon: Humanitarian Overview (as of 03 October 2016)

KEY DRIVERS OF THE CRISIS Recurring natural disasters such as droughts and floods combined with the volatility of markets, pushed many households and communities into chronic vulnerability. Conflict in northern Nigeria and CAR has displaced refugees to Cameroon,…

Cameroon + 2 more

Cameroon: Humanitarian Overview (as of 30 September 2016)

KEY DRIVERS OF THE CRISIS Recurring natural disasters such as droughts and floods combined with the volatility of markets, pushed many households and communities into chronic vulnerability. Conflict in northern Nigeria and CAR continue to displace refugees to…


Nigeria: Humanitarian Dashboard (as of 30 September 2016)

SITUATION OVERVIEW The scope and scale of the humanitarian crisis in Nigeria's north-east continues to unfold as humanitarian actors struggle to keep up with growing needs for aid and services across all program sectors in an expanding…

Central African Republic

RCA: Bangui, Protection et assistance aux réfugiés urbains et demandeurs d’asile - Données du mois d’Août 2016

ASSISTANCES SANTE Pour le mois d’août 2016, ce sont 185 personnes, soit 93 de sexe masculin et 92 de sexe féminin, qui ont bénéficié de l’assistance médicale : 50 personnes en termes d’examens et consultations. 123 personnes en termes…

UNHCR, Afrique Secours et Assistance
22 Sep 2016

Cameroon + 2 more

Cameroun: Aperçu humanitaire au 12 septembre 2016

PRINCIPAUX FACTEURS DE LA CRISE Les catastrophes naturelles récurrentes (sècheresse s, inondations), combinées avec la volatilité des marchés, ont pouss é les ménages et communautés vers une vulnérabilité chronique. Le conflit au nord du Nigeria et en RCA…

Cameroon + 2 more

Cameroon: Humanitarian Overview (as of 12 September 2016)

KEY DRIVERS OF THE CRISIS Recurring natural disasters such as droughts and fl oods combined with the volatility of markets, pushed many households a nd communities into chronic vulnerability. Conflict in northern Nigeria and CAR has displaced refugees…

Nigeria + 3 more

Lake Chad Basin: Crisis Overview (as of 5 September 2016)

Background The violent conflict in the Lake Chad Basin has continuously deteriorated. Boko Haram raids and suicide bombings targeting civilians are causing widespread trauma, preventing people from accessing essential services and destroying vital infrastructure. Around 21 million…

Chad + 1 more

Tchad : Profil humanitaire de la région du Ouaddai (août 2016)

MESSAGES CLÉS La situation nutritionnelle est chronique et alarmante avec des taux de malnutrition aigüe globale de 18% et de malnutrition aigüe sévère de 4,1%, supérieurs aux seuils d’urgence respectivement de 15% et 2%. Les interventions à…

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