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Mali + 3 more

Mali+3 Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (June 2013)

Cholera Season Niger and Mali have been hit by Cholera outbreaks. In Niger, 301 cases and 9 deaths have been reported. In Mali there have been 21 cases and 2 deaths. Above and beyond in-country Cholera supplies,…

Mali + 1 more

Mali Operation - Niger Overview (As of 09 June 2013)

Operational Highlights The security situation which had remained largely calm during the month of May, deteriorated on the 23th May with the MUJAO's terrorist attack in Agadez and Arlit. 1,266 malian new arrival during the month of…

Mali + 3 more

Mali : Aperçu humanitaire (au 20 juin 2013)

PRIORITÉS IDENTIFIÉES Mouvements de populations Une tendance croissante au retour des personnes déplacées a été observée en mai. Selon le rapport de l’OIM “Points de suivi des mouvements de populations” 8 972 personnes ont été enregistrées dans les…

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