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Mali + 3 more

Mali+3 Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (Mid-Year Review 2013)

Situation update While the recent presidential election in Mali was relatively calm, the security situation in the North of Mali remains volatile. The situation in Mali and neighboring countries remains of great concern. Population movement, including the possible return…

Niger + 1 more

Sahel operation | Diffa Situation (Niger) As of 15 August 2013

Situation overview Since May 2013, Southeastern Niger (Diffa region) has witnessed an influx of an estimated 13,500 displaced persons from Northern Nigeria following the declaration of the state of emergency in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa States in…

Mali + 4 more

Mali : Aperçu humanitaire (au 2 août 2013)

Le Mali fait toujours face à une crise humanitaire sans précédent. Parallèlement à l’amélioration progressive de la situation sécuritaire, des mouvements significatifs de retours spontanés vers le nord sont notés. D’importants besoins restent à couvrir dans…

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