
ReliefWeb results

Democratic Republic of the Congo

"MONUC: Flawed Mandate Limits Success" - RI report

Refugees International Report on the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo By Clifford Bernath and Anne Edgerton May 2003 "While the rebels are killing us, MONUC takes notes and makes reports. What good is that?" Congolese citizen, Kisangani…

Afghanistan + 28 more

FAO/GIEWS Foodcrops and Shortages No. 1/2003

CROP AND FOOD SUPPLY SITUATION OVERVIEW As of March 2003, the number of countries facing serious food shortages throughout the world stands at 38, with 25 in Africa, 6 in Asia, 5 in Latin America and 2 in Europe.…

Rwanda + 2 more

"HIV/AIDS and Conflict - Research in Rwanda, Burundi and Eastern DRC" - draft report

Vera Bensmann, MD, MBA for Save the Children-UK; funded by UNAIDS through UNICEF Enough has been written on HIV/AIDS. Many good guidelines, policy- and strategy papers, handbooks, manuals, and other documents are available in our organisations. For this study 1.5 meters…

Save the Children
12 Mar 2003


Rapport de mission : Sud de la Mauritanie

DATE DE LA MISSION : 19 au 28 Février 2003. DATE DE REDACTION DU RAPPORT : Le 2 Mars 2003 Groupe chargé des Wilaya du Trarza, du Brakna et du Gorgol ITINERAIRE: Nouakchott, Aleg, Boghé, Bababé, M'Bagne, Kaëdi, Maghama,…

3 Mar 2003

Afghanistan + 35 more

FAO/GIEWS Food Outlook No. 1, 2003

Highlights Global cereal output in 2002 is estimated at 1 838 million tonnes, slightly up from the forecast in December, but still 3.3 percent down from the previous year. However, given the expected expansion in cereal utilization in 2002/03, world…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

"Household Economy Analysis of the Rural Population of South-Western Bwito, Rutshuru, North Kivu, DR Congo" - SCF report

January 2003 Undertaken with the financial support of the European Union Report written by Yuvé Guluma (Food Security Advisor, SC-UK) 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report looks at the economic characteristics of different wealth groups in the war-affected population of Bwito district, Rutshuru territory,…

Save the Children
31 Jan 2003

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