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For the price of a bike - Child trafficking in Togo

The trafficking of children is one of the most severe violations of human rights in the world today, involving over a million children worldwide and hundreds of thousands of children in West Africa alone. This booklet is about the…

Plan International
23 May 2005


Rapport de mission de familiarisation et d'identification des besoins de santé dans les camps de réfugiés du sud du Tchad - Du 29 mars au 02 avril 2005

I. Introduction L'instabilité politique et les conflits armés du début des années 2000 en Républiquecentrafricaine (RCA) ont forcé à l'exil plusieurs milliers de centrafricains des villagesfrontaliers du Nord de la RCA vers le Sud du Tchad. La situation d'insécurité n'apas permis leur retour.…


WFP Liberia: Lofa County Food Security & Nutrition Assessment Feb 2005

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WFP Liberia Country Office funded the Food Security and Nutrition Survey conducted between January and February 2005 in Lofa County. WFP wishes to acknowledge the assistance provided by the Government counterparts, NGOs and UN sister agencies. In particular, WFP is…

Angola + 32 more

FAO/GIEWS Foodcrops and Shortages No. 1/2005

AFRICA: In eastern Africa, the food situation in Eritrea is of serious concern. Successive years of inadequate rains have seriously undermined crop and livestock production. A below average harvest is also estimated for Sudan due to conflict and drought. By…


République du Congo: Pool - Une crise humanitaire

Rapport d'évaluation humanitaire conjointe dans la région du Pool République du Congo Objectifs globaux Au cours de l'année 2004, des missions conjointes ont été conduites par le Bureau des Nations Unies pour la Coordination des Affaires Humanitaires (OCHA) et ses partenaires…


Community cohesion in Liberia: A post-war rapid social assessment

Paul Richards Steven Archibald Beverlee Bruce Watta Modad Edward Mulbah Tornorlah Varpilah James Vincent Summary Findings At the core of Liberia's conflict lies a class of marginal young people who currently lack faith in any kind of institutions. They consider…

Burkina Faso

Special report: FAO crop and food supply assessment mission to Burkina Faso

Highlights Starting on 9 August, an invasion of adult locusts hit northern Burkina Faso, in particular the three provinces of the Sahel region -- Oudalan, Soum and Séno, devastating cereal crops. In addition, there was a severe drought in this same…

10 Jan 2005

Cabo Verde

Special report: FAO crop and food supply assessment mission to Cape Verde

Highlights Locust invasions and, more particularly, drought caused maize production to fall to one-third (4 042 tonnes) of last year's level. All the islands with farming activities have been affected by these problems. Locust damage to pastures has been very severe in…

10 Jan 2005


FAO/WFP crop and food supply assessment mission to Mauritania with special focus on losses due to the desert locust - 21 Dec 2004

Highlights: - Devastating infestations of desert locusts in the main agricultural areas of Mauritania were noted since the start of the rains in June and July, and continued throughout the growing season. - Millet and legumes (cowpeas and groundnut) suffered serious damage.…

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