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Central African Republic

New early warning platform for protection and security incidents in the CAR

A new early warning platform for displacement movements, protection issues and security incidents was created by the Information Management Team of the Protection Cluster in the CAR, under the leadership of UNHCR and the co-facilitation of…

News and Press Release
16 Sep 2014

Central African Republic

Civilians in Danger

(Amsterdam) – The new United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic should urgently improve protection for civilians in eastern and central parts of the country where sectarian violence is increasing, Human Rights Watch and…

News and Press Release
15 Sep 2014

Central African Republic

République centrafricaine : Mise à jour du suivi à distance, août 2014

Niveaux élevés d’insécurité alimentaire maintenus à cause de la persistance du conflit civil MESSAGES CLÉS L’insécurité civile persiste en République Centrafricaine avec des violences intercommunautaires qui continuent à maintenir un nombre important de personnes en déplacement dans les…

Central African Republic + 1 more

Central African Republic - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #18, Fiscal Year (FY) 2014

HIGHLIGHTS Fighting in Batangafo town, Ouham Prefecture, displaces 20,000 people IPC 3 conditions could persist through December Humanitarian community takes stock of efforts to scale-up assistance following December 2013 Level 3 emergency declaration KEY DEVELOPMENTS On July 30 and 31, violent…

Central African Republic

Clashes in north-western Central African Republic cause renewed displacement – UN

8 August 2014 – Fighting from 30 to 31 July in Batangafo, Central African Republic (CAR) has caused renewed displacement, according to Jens Laerke of the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). With skirmishes…

News and Press Release
UN News
9 Aug 2014

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