
ReliefWeb results


Mali Situation Report #3, 1 October 2014

Highlights In August 2014, WFP reached 695,121 beneficiaries under General Food Distributions. In September, WFP targeted 878,277 vulnerable people with emergency food and nutrition assistance, out of which 679,297 under General Food Distributions. This included a contingency…


Mali: Situation Report #2, 22 August 2014

Highlights In August 2014, WFP plans to reach 815,000 vulnerable people with emergency food and nutrition assistance, out of which 618,000 will be through general food distributions. This includes an additional 25,000 more beneficiaries than last month,…


2015 Strategic Response Plan Nigeria (March 2015)

SUMMARY Strategic objectives Track and analyse risk and vulnerability, integrating findings into humanitarian and development programming Support vulnerable populations to better cope with shocks by responding earlier to warning signals, by reducing post-crisis recovery times and by building capacity…


Nigeria Food Security Outlook Update - September 2014

Key Messages Insecurity related to the Boko Haram conflict is leading to increased population displacements and continues to disrupt livelihoods. Poor households in worst affected areas in southern Borno and Yobe States and those in the Lake…

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