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Mali + 8 more

Mali: UNHCR Operational Update, May 2018

HIGHLIGHTS More than two and a half years after its signing, the 2015 Peace Accord and Reconciliation in Mali still lacks necessary support and its implementation has been minimal. The volatile security environment in northern and central Mali…

Nigeria + 14 more

West Africa Key Message Update, May 2018

Key Messages Markets are sufficiently stocked in most of the region but are below average levels in many countries due to localized deficits and traders holding food stocks. Market demand is seasonally high, and often higher than…

Central African Republic

République centrafricaine : Région Centre Sous-bureau de Kaga Bandoro Rapport hebdomadaire de situation no 20 (21 au 27 Mai 2018)

FAITS SAILLANTS • Réduction de l’espace humanitaire : les incidents continuent à limiter les mouvements et les activités humanitaires dans la zone. • Renforcement des capacités des acteurs de prise en charge psychosociale : 30 personnes dont 10…

Nigeria + 1 more

WFP Nigeria Situation Report #28, 1 - 30 April 2018

Highlights • In April, both directly and through partnerships, WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 1.24 million people in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa. • WFP supported 327,278 young children and women under its preventative nutrition approach activities…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) - Concept des opérations, mai 2018

Résumé La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) est une crise humanitaire d’une longueur et d’une complexité sans précédent à échelle mondiale. La permanence des conflits armés sporadiques, l’absence d’infrastructures pérennes et le contexte sécuritaire particulièrement volatile sont…

Situation Report
WFP, Logistics Cluster
28 May 2018


Niger – Conflict (DG ECHO, UN, NGO) (ECHO Daily Flash of 20 May 2018)

On 18 May, about forty people carried out an attack on the village of Hagaye located 25 km from Inatès, Tillabery region (bordering Mali). According to local sources, the death toll is reportedly 17 people, and…

News and Press Release
20 May 2018

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