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Central African Republic

UNICEF Central African Republic Humanitarian Situation Report, June 2018

Highlights From January to June 2018, despite increasing security-related access constraints, the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) reached a record 100,093 vulnerable persons with NFIs and 79,047 with WASH interventions, reflecting the overall deterioration of the humanitarian situation…

Central African Republic

République Centrafricaine : Région : Zone Est - Bambari Rapport hebdomadaire de la situation no 31 (22 Juillet 2018)

FAITS ESSENTIELS Regain de tensions à Pombolo suite aux affrontements entre les groupes armés rivaux, Sous-Préfecture de Gambo Renforcement des réponses en nutrition par ACF à Alindao, Sous-Préfecture de Alindao. Lacunes relevées lors des missions de suivi des activités WASH…

Mali + 12 more

Mali: UNHCR Operational Update, July 2018

HIGHLIGHTS July 2018 The security situation in Mali remains of a great concern to the International Community and Malians themselves. The complex attacks coupled with banditry in the Northern and Central regions of the country still trigger…


Mali: Factsheet Cluster Abris & NFIs Juillet 2018

ANALYSE DES BESOINS La population déplacées et retournées sont confrontées par les besoins d’abris et les NFIs ainsi que leurs biens ayant été détruits ou perdus. REPONSE La réponse du cluster est basée sur la vulnérabilité de la population…

Situation Report
UNHCR, Shelter Cluster
31 Jul 2018

Mali + 12 more

Mali: UNHCR Operational Update, June 2018

HIGHLIGHTS More than two and a half years after its signing, the 2015 Peace Accord and Reconciliation in Mali still lacks necessary support and its implementation has been minimal. The volatile security environment in northern and central Mali…

Niger + 3 more

UNICEF Niger Humanitarian Situation Report, 30 June 2018

Highlights In Tillabery region, non-state armed group attacks and inter-community attacks at the border with Mali caused 25 incidents (in which two people were killed and four abducted) in June. As of June, 17,758 people were displaced…

Central African Republic + 1 more

République Centrafricaine Cluster EHA bulletin trimestriel N.2

FAITS SAILLANTS Activités de prevention contre l’épidemie de la maladie à virus Ebola declaree en RDC. Impact des nouveaux déplacement de populations sur le secteur. Faible taux de réponse humanitaire à mi-parcours ; seulement 29% des besoins couverts SITUATION HUMANITAIRE La…

News and Press Release
20 Jul 2018

Niger + 3 more

UNICEF Niger Humanitarian Situation Report, 31 May 2018

Highlights In Tillabery region, inter-community attacks at the border with Mali caused 45 casualties, and led to 13,900 displaced people (almost 3,000 in May) in 4 municipalities, according to protection cluster. In May, three civilians were killed and…

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