Cartes / Infographies

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Ukraine: Database of Accidents and Victims of Explosive Ordnance [EN/UK]

Verified information about the EO victims & EO accidents, quantitative and qualitative information indicating the exact coordinates of the incident, information about the injuries received Data sources: military, doctors, police, local government Access to the Dashboard is provided…


Ukraine Conflict Update: 24 – 30 June 2023

Situation Summary Intense fighting continued in the Donetsk region, with Ukrainian forces claiming territorial gains in the areas of Bakhmut and Avdiivka. Fighting also continued on both sides of the administrative boundary between the Donetsk and Zaporizhia…

Ukraine + 10 more

European Humanitarian Response Capacity (EHRC) - Operations since January 2023 - DG ECHO Daily Map | 28/07/2023

EHRC Operations EU Humanitarian Aid Flights (HAF): 5 countries covered 296 tonnes of items transported 11 069 Humanitarian Personnel transported Humanitarian Air Bridge (HAB): 24 flights completed 1 483 tonnes of items transported 32 Humanitarian Partners supported Expert Deployment: 6 logistics experts deployed Pre-positioned emergency stockpile: 291 tonnes…

Ukraine + 3 more

Ukraine Crisis Response - Fact Sheet

The conflict in Ukraine on 24th of Feb 2022 has caused the world’s fastest growing displacement crisis since World War II, leaving at least: 18 million People in urgent need of humanitarian assistance in Ukraine 6.0 million Refugees…

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