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Ukraine: Task Team on Scalable Psychological Interventions (Stress Management) - Meeting minutes, June 05, 2024 [EN/UK]

English version

Topic 1. Updates of the Task Team. Discussion on Task Team’s priorities for implementation of scalable psychological interventions 2. Updated information on Self-Help Plus implementation: trainings, new format of certificates, data collection 3. Updated information on Problem Management Plus…


Ukraine: Task Team on Scalable Psychological Interventions (Stress Management) - Meeting minutes, July 31, 2024 [EN/UK]

English version

Topic 1 Updates from the Task Team. 2 Updated information on Self-Help Plus implementation: trainings, new format of certificates, data collection 3 Updated information on Problem Management Plus implementation: trainings (counsellors, ToT), certificates, data collection 4 Using EQUIP in competency-based…


WFP Ukraine Country Brief, August 2024

In Numbers 9,700 mt of food distributed USD 9.7 million in cash-based transfers made USD 266.1 million six months (September 2024 – February 2025) net funding requirements 1.6 million people assisted in August 2024 Operational Updates WFP's cash-based assistance programs remain a…


Rapid MPCA Targeting Framework as of August 2024 [EN/UK]

English version

Background In June 2024, the Response Analysis and Targeting Task Team (Task Team 1) under the Cash Working Group (CWG) initiated a revision of the Rapid Multipurpose Cash Assistance (RapMPCA) framework, which had previously been revised in…

Manual and Guideline
ACTED, IOM, Plan International, Ukrainian Red Cross Society, UNHCR, OCHA
19 Sep 2024
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