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Ukraine: Humanitarian Dashboard - January to October 2015

SITUATION OVERVIEW The humanitarian implications of the conflict in eastern Ukrainian that started in April 2014 remain largely invisible to the outside world despite its substantial human cost, destruction and suffering of thousands of people. While in…


Ukraine: 3W Operational Presence - as of 15 October 2015

In response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine countless volunteers, as well as many international humanitarian actors, including the United Nations system, national and international NGOs, and other international organizations, are engaged in the humanitarian relief…


Ukraine: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 29 October 2015)

OVERVIEW Winterization activities remain severely delayed as all UN and most INGO operations have been suspended since 21 July, because of a registration order imposed by the de facto authorities in non-government controlled areas of Ukraine (NGCAs). Three…


Ukraine: Humanitarian Response Plan Funding - 20 October 2015

In 2015, humanitarian partners in Ukraine are focussing on providing displaced and conflict-affected people protection, life-saving assistance, including essential services, and early recovery assistance. Inadequate funding, access restrictions and the limited number of partners on the…


Ukraine crisis: Response Dashboard October 2015

KEY HUMANITARIAN NEEDS Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH): 1.3 million people in need Many people in conflict-affected areas cannot access safe drinking water and the cost of hygiene items is very high, Food: 1.8 million people in need High food…

Save the Children
27 Oct 2015

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