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EECP Survey Report - Semi-Annual 2019

INTRODUCTION Eastern Ukraine Checkpoint Monitoring Report. January – June 2019. The survey is a part of the monitoring of violations of rights of the conflict-affected population within the framework of the project «Advocacy, Protection and Legal Assistance to…


SCORE Ukraine: Tracking Trends - Selected Indicators: Trust in Local Authorities, Support for Health Reform & Decentralization Reform, Pro-EU Orientation, Civic Optimism, Pluralistic Ukrainian Identity, Negative Stereotypes, Infrastructure Services

INTRODUCTION Democratic Governance East Activity (DG East) is a five-year programme supported by USAID and implemented by Chemonics that aims to strengthen the connection and trust between citizens and their government in eastern Ukraine by promoting good…


Ukraine 2019 Participatory Assessment

Introduction In line with its people-centred approach, UNHCR conducts a participatory assessment on a regular basis in order to deepen its understanding of the protection risks faced by the persons the organization assists and provides protection for.…

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