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occupied Palestinian territory

occupied Palestinian territory Emergency Appeal 2023

Foreword by the directors of UNRWA affairs in Gaza and the West Bank As the Directors of UNRWA Affairs in Gaza and the West Bank we are submitting this Emergency Appeal for 2023 that outlines the minimum…

occupied Palestinian territory

ACAPS Briefing Note: Palestine, Flooding in the Gaza Strip (10 January 2023)

CRISIS IMPACT OVERVIEW Since November 2022, Gaza has been experiencing intermittent heavy rainfall that has accumulated in Israeli-controlled dams and reservoirs near the Gaza Strip (MEMO 27/12/2022 and 08/11/2022; CGTN 09/11/2022). Between 24–26 December 2022, Israeli authorities…

occupied Palestinian territory

QRCS distributes winterization kits to 3,816 beneficiaries in Gaza [EN/AR]

English version

December 13th, 2022 ― Doha: Under the Warm Winter Campaign 2022-2023 #HumanityFirst – #GiveThemWarmth, Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) has distributed winterization kits to poor families in Gaza, as a protection against the cold weather of…

News and Press Release
Qatar Red Crescent
13 Dec 2022
Téléchargement  + 1 more

occupied Palestinian territory + 2 more

German delegation visits UNRWA services in Gaza and signs projects totaling EUR 31 million in support of Palestine Refugees in Lebanon and Gaza [EN/AR]

Arabic version

Germany among the largest donors to UNRWA, having contributed over EUR 180 million in 2022 EAST JERUSALEM The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) welcomed a German delegation from the…

News and Press Release
9 Dec 2022

occupied Palestinian territory

oPt: MSNA 2022 Cross-Sectoral Findings, July 2022

Summary Decades of military occupation, recurrent escalations of violence, and intensifying tensions have created a complex political and humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). With limited access to opportunities for socio-economic development, an estimated 2.1…

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