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occupied Palestinian territory

UNFPA State of Palestine: Humanitarian Response Plan 2023

The occupied Palestinian territory remains in a deeply protracted crisis characterized by 55 years of Israeli military occupation. Palestinians live in a situation of vulnerability and structural disadvantage which is further compounded by internal Palestinian political…

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

Movement in and out of Gaza in 2022

Over 60 per cent of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip need humanitarian assistance. Restrictions on their movement, as well as on the exit and entry of commodities, are among the main reasons for this extremely high…

occupied Palestinian territory

West Bank demolitions and displacement: An overview | December 2022

HIGHLIGHTS In 2022, 953 Palestinian structures were demolished or seized across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, the highest number since 2016. With 1,031 people being displaced as a result, the 1,000 threshold was crossed for the…

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza: 120,000 Palestinians spend winter in windowless, doorless homes

Over 120,000 Palestinians in Gaza are living in 21,500 homes that have no windows, safe roofs or doors, warns the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), leaving families to face winter conditions in unprotected shelters. NRC's analysis shows that…

News and Press Release
20 Feb 2023

occupied Palestinian territory + 3 more

2023 Global Appeal for UNRWA (January 2023)

Last year was another extremely difficult year for people in the Middle East region amid multiple and often unprecedented challenges. Palestine refugees continue to be among the most vulnerable communities in the region and around the…

News and Press Release
14 Feb 2023

occupied Palestinian territory + 3 more

UNRWA Strategic Plan 2023-28

Executive Summary The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA or “the Agency”) was established in 1949 as a subsidiary organ of the United Nations (UN) to assist and protect Palestine refugees in the…

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