Cartes / Infographies

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occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza Strip: Hospitals and Clinics - December 2018

In 2018, the Gaza Strip witnessed a significant increase in casualties in the context of the 'Great March of Return' demonstrations and parallel hostilities. The burden generated by the enormous rise in trauma casualties has been…

occupied Palestinian territory

West Bank: Settler-Related Violence, 2009-2018

OVERVIEW Settlements are illegal under international humanitarian law as they violate Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits the transfer of the occupying power’s civilian population into occupied territory. Violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinians and…

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza Strip: Schools and Universities - December 2018

Deteriorating living conditions, unpaid teacher salaries and lack of school budgets call into question the ability of the education system to deliver adequate education to over 500,000 students. Some 70 per cent of UNRWA schools and…

occupied Palestinian territory

oPt: Humanitarian Funding Update - as of 30 November 2018

Financing of humanitarian action is at an all-time low for the oPt. The 2018 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) has received just US$217 million, the lowest ever, despite increasing needs. Without adequate funding, humanitarian partners are struggling…

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