Cartes / Infographies

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occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza Strip: Early Warning Indicators - December 2018

The Gaza Strip faces an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, impacting the livelihoods and access to essential services by its two million residents. This crisis has been driven by over 11 years of an Israeli blockade and an…

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza Strip: Gaza Power Deficit - December 2018

Gaza has been suffering for over a decade from an electricity deficit driven by a range of factors occurring amid rapid population growth. The functioning of Gaza’s sole power plant has been impaired by disputes between…

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza Strip: Areas at risk of flooding in Gaza

Dozens of low-lying locations across Gaza have been identified as being at risk of flooding due to rainfall or overflow of wastewater reservoirs and pumping stations. This is driven by the precarious state of the infrastructure,…

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza Strip: WASH Facilities - December 2018

The combined effect of the blockade, the internal political divide and the chronic energy crisis has undermined the operation of water and wastewater infrastructure and facilities. Current extraction from the coastal aquifer, Gaza’s sole natural source of…

occupied Palestinian territory

West Bank: Communities and Residents in Area C, December 2018

OVERVIEW Israel retains direct control over Area C, which encompasses more than 60 per cent of the West Bank and is home to approximately 300,000 Palestinians (OCHA, 2013 VPP survey). The restrictive planning regime applied by Israel…

occupied Palestinian territory

West Bank: West Bank Demolitions, 2009 - 2018

EAST JERUSALEM East Jerusalem encompasses about 70 sq. Kilometres annexed to Israel in 1967 in contravention of international law. 35% of the land in East Jerusalem has been confiscated for Israeli settlement use; only 13% is zoned…

occupied Palestinian territory

oPt: East Jerusalem, December 2018

KEY CONCERNS Around 320,000 Palestinians currently reside in East Jerusalem, in addition to over 210,000 Israeli settlers who reside in the settlements which have been constructed and expanded since 1967, contrary to international law. Approximately 4.5 million…

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza Strip: Access and Movement - December 2018

Longstanding restrictions on the movement of people and goods to and from Gaza have undermined the living conditions of about two million Palestinians in that area. Many of the restrictions, originally imposed by Israel in the…

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