
ReliefWeb results

occupied Palestinian territory

Israel-Palestina: La ONU suspende sus operaciones nocturnas en Gaza

La decisión tiene lugar debido a la falta de la seguridad tras la muerte de siete personas de la ONG World Central Kitchen. La agencia sanitaria señala que una misión a hospitales en el norte del…

News and Press Release
UN News
4 Apr 2024

occupied Palestinian territory + 2 more

April 3 USCENTCOM, Royal Jordanian Air Force Conduct Humanitarian Airdrops

USCENTCOM April 3, 2024 Release Number 20240403- 01 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TAMPA, Fla. – U.S. Central Command and the Royal Jordanian Air Force conducted a combined humanitarian assistance airdrop into Northern Gaza on April 3, 2024, at 1:06 p.m. (Gaza…

News and Press Release
Govt. USA
4 Apr 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

Humanitarian Response Report PRCS 25/3/2024 - 31/3/2024 [EN/AR]

English version

NORTH GAZA GOVERNORATE North Gaza Branch & EMS center GAZA GOVERNORATE endured significant destruction. They moved their operations to a temporary location inside Jabalia refugee camp. Advanced Medical Post is operational since 20/11/2023. 2 ambulances are operational GAZA GOVERNORATE Gaza Branch, EMS…

Situation Report
4 Apr 2024
Téléchargement  + 1 more

occupied Palestinian territory + 8 more

‘Shocking Increase’ in Denial of Access to Life-Saving Humanitarian Aid for Children in Conflict Zones Worldwide, Security Council Hears, as Delegates Discuss Solutions

9594TH MEETING (AM) SC/15651 Presented with data pointing to a spike in warring parties intentionally depriving life-saving humanitarian assistance to children living in conflict zones worldwide, speakers in the Security Council today proposed solutions to ensure aid reaches…

News and Press Release
3 Apr 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

Killing starving Palestinians and targeting aid trucks: A Deliberate Israeli policy to reinforce famine in the Gaza Strip, April 2024

New Report: Killing Starving Palestinians, Targeting Aid Trucks is a Deliberate Israeli Policy to Reinforce Famine in The Gaza Strip Palestinian Territory - A new Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor report titled “Killing starving Palestinians and targeting aid…

occupied Palestinian territory

La malnutrition chez les enfants de Gaza se propage à un « rythme record », un tiers des enfants de moins de deux ans souffrant de malnutrition aiguë dans l'enclave, a indiqué mercredi une agence des Nations Unies.

Cette nouvelle alerte du Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM) intervient dans un climat sécuritaire tendu avec la mort des sept membres de l’ONG World Central Kitchen. Selon l’agence onusienne basée à Rome. En raison de la guerre et…

News and Press Release
UN News
3 Apr 2024

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