
ReliefWeb results

occupied Palestinian territory

TPO : Crise humanitaire dans la bande de Gaza: la coopération luxembourgeoise mobilise 500.000 euros pour soutenir le programme d'urgence mis en place par l'UNRWA

En réponse à la crise humanitaire majeure qui frappe la population civile dans la bande de Gaza, la coopération luxembourgeoise vient de décider de mobiliser 500.000 euros pour soutenir le programme d'urgence mis en place par l'UNRWA, l'Office de…

News and Press Release
Govt. Luxembourg
7 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Situation Report on the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip No.4

The following information is based on reports from member states, the UN Country Team for the occupied Palestinian territory, humanitarian partners and authorities involved in the humanitarian response. 1. General Overview 1. After ten days of military operations by the…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Situation Report from the Humanitarian Coordinator 06 Jan 2009 as of 18:00

The Israeli military operation entered its eleventh day, with the civilian population of Gaza continuing to bear the brunt of the violence. Israeli air, sea and ground forces continue to surround Gazan populated areas. The Gaza and North Gaza…

Situation Report
6 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Situation Report from the Humanitarian Coordinator 05 Jan 2009 as of 17:00

The Israeli military operation has entered its tenth day, with the population of Gaza bearing the brunt of the violence. Israeli ground forces are currently deployed around the large Palestinian population centres in the northern Gaza Strip (Gaza City,…

Situation Report
5 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

OPT/Egypt: Complex Emergency - Information Bulletin n° 1

The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It is the world's largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are active in 185 countries. GLIDE no: CE-2009-000002-EGY This bulletin is being…

occupied Palestinian territory

oPt: Multilateral contribution, 05 Jan 2009

"The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Directorate General for Cooperation and Development has contributed with a financial amount of 850.000 euros to UNRWA, in response to the "UN Consolidated Appeal Process CAP 2007 - Mid Year Review…

News and Press Release
Govt. Italy
5 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Food in Gaza running out - CARE distributions halted by Israeli ground assault

Gaza, Occupied Palestinian Territories (Jan. 5, 2009) -The weekend's escalation of violence has halted many distributions of essential goods such as food and medical supplies, straining critically low food supplies and forcing Gaza's population to risk leaving their homes in…

News and Press Release
5 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

oPt: Turkish Red Crescent sends aid to Gaza

Turkish Red Crescent, K=FDz=FDlay, sent 11, 000 packages of foodstuffs carried by 10 trucks to Gaza after the Israeli attack, K=FDz=FDlay General Director =D6mer Ta=FEl=FD said. Tasli said the organization aimed at supporting people who suffered from difficulties all…

News and Press Release
Turkish Red Crescent
5 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: WFP builds up food stocks in Gaza

Jerusalem, 5 January 2009 - WFP moved 11 truckloads of food into Gaza on Monday as part of efforts to respond to the growing humanitarian needs. Since the recent upsurge in conflict, WFP has delivered some 1,600 tons of food…

News and Press Release
5 Jan 2009

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