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occupied Palestinian territory + 2 more

UNRWA and Flanders renew partnership for three years

Today in Brussels, the Minister-President of Flanders, Geert Bourgeois, and the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Pierre Krähenbühl, signed a three-year agreement (2019-2021) in…

News and Press Release
13 Mar 2019

occupied Palestinian territory

WFP Palestine Country Brief, January 2019

In Numbers 259,060 people assisted in January 2019 US$ 2.17 m cash- based transfers made US$ 20.4 m six months (February-July 2019) net WFP Palestine funding requirements Operational Updates • In January, WFP assisted 259,060 of the poorest and most food…

occupied Palestinian territory

ECHO Factsheet – Palestine – Last updated 18/02/2019

Introduction The 52 year-long crisis in Palestine has caused a deteriorating humanitarian situation, with communities in the West Bank suffering from a host of problems. In Gaza, recurrent clashes, the land, air and sea blockade, three wars…

News and Press Release
25 Feb 2019

occupied Palestinian territory

Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, Ursula Mueller - Statement to the Security Council on the humanitarian situation in the oPt, 20 February 2019

New York, 20 February 2019 As delivered Mr. President, Thank you for the opportunity to update the Council on the humanitarian implications of the situation in the occupied Palestinian territory. As the Special Coordinator, Mr. Nickolay Mladenov noted, the situation…

News and Press Release
20 Feb 2019

occupied Palestinian territory

Humanitarian Bulletin occupied Palestinian territory - January 2019

Highlights Nearly 200 Palestinian families in East Jerusalem face eviction cases by Israeli settler organizations. Mandate of international monitors in the Israeli-controlled part of Hebron city (H2) terminated, exacerbating the vulnerability of some 7,000 Palestinians. Expected improvement in the…

occupied Palestinian territory

FAO in the 2019 humanitarian appeal: Palestine - Humanitarian Response Plan 2019

to assist 48 700 people FAO requires USD 11.2 million period January – December 2019 The possible exacerbation of the protracted crisis and declining funding calls for urgent early action to respond to and prevent a further deterioration of the food security situation. Daily life in the West Bank…

occupied Palestinian territory

occupied Palestinian territory Emergency Appeal 2019

Executive summary Palestine refugees across the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) continued to face daily challenges as a result of Israeli occupation, in which respect for dignity, welfare and rights under international law are at repeated risk; and…

occupied Palestinian territory

Humanitarian Action for Children 2019-2020 - State of Palestine

Snapshot Total people in need: 2.5 million Total children (<18) in need: 1.1 million Total people to be reached: 657,900 Total children to be reached: 429,000 Some 2.5 million Palestinians need humanitarian assistance. Long-term humanitarian needs in the State of Palestine…

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