
ReliefWeb results

occupied Palestinian territory

United States Announces Humanitarian Assistance for the People of the West Bank and Gaza

Today, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield announced that the United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is providing $15 million in humanitarian assistance to support some of the most vulnerable…

News and Press Release
25 Mar 2021

occupied Palestinian territory

WFP Palestine Country Brief, February 2021

In Numbers 303,834 people assisted in February 2021 US$3.6 m cash-based transfers made 0 mt of food distributed US$39.1 m six months (April – September 2021) net funding requirements Operational Updates In February, WFP provided food assistance through Cash Based Transfers (CBT)…

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

Food aid to Palestinian refugees

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation distributed food packages to 600 Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon. 3 thousand people have benefited from the distributions made. IHH, which carries out aid activities for Palestinian refugees whose population exceeds 500 thousand…

News and Press Release
10 Mar 2021

occupied Palestinian territory + 3 more

occupied Palestinian territory Emergency Appeal 2021

Executive Summary Exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the humanitarian situation in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) is critical and deteriorated sharply in 2020. It is causing deep insecurity amongst Palestine refugees across Gaza and the West Bank,…

occupied Palestinian territory

WFP Palestine Country Brief, January 2021

In Numbers 341,197 people assisted In January 2021 US$ 3.7 m cash-based transfers made 1,325 mt of food distributed US$ 30.5 m six months (February – July 2021) net funding requirements Operational Updates In January, WFP provided food assistance through cash-based transfers…

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