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occupied Palestinian territory + 3 more

Amid an increase in needs and dependence on aid, UNRWA calls for reliable funding [EN/AR]

Arabic version

High level bi-annual meeting focuses on sustainable funding in support of Palestine refugees **Download multimedia material **here UNRWA Commissioner-General Advisory Commission statement here. AMMAN 15 November 2022 - The Advisory Commission (AdCom) of the United Nations Relief and Works…

News and Press Release
15 Nov 2022

occupied Palestinian territory

Palestine: WFP-backed training boosts budding entrepreneurs

A joint UN effort targets women-headed businesses in Gaza and the West Bank. 8 November 2022, Alia Zaki From their friendly, humble home in Gaza, 32-year-old Sahar and her family produce some of the most iconic Palestinian goods:…

News and Press Release
8 Nov 2022

occupied Palestinian territory

oPt: MSNA 2022 Cross-Sectoral Findings, July 2022

Summary Decades of military occupation, recurrent escalations of violence, and intensifying tensions have created a complex political and humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). With limited access to opportunities for socio-economic development, an estimated 2.1…

occupied Palestinian territory + 3 more

UNRWA Annual Operational Report 2021

In 2021, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) was able to maintain delivery of quality human development, protection, and humanitarian assistance to Palestine refugees across its fields…

occupied Palestinian territory

WFP Palestine Country Brief, September 2022

In Numbers 374,333 people assisted in September 2022 US$ 2.9 m cash-based transfers made US$ 8.9 m in cash-based transfers made through service provision US$ 27.5 m six months (October 2022- March 2023) net funding requirements Operational Updates • In September, WFP…

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