
ReliefWeb results

occupied Palestinian territory

occupied Palestinian territory Emergency Appeal 2022

The humanitarian situation in both Gaza and the West Bank significantly worsened during 2021. The land, air and sea blockade of Gaza, which entered its 15th year in June 2021, with its restrictions on the movement of…

occupied Palestinian territory + 3 more

UNRWA 2022 Budget Proposal [EN/AR]

English version

UN Agency for Palestine Refugees Announces 2022 Budget Critical UN Agency looks to international community to support its lifesaving mission amid acute regional crises and urgent funding shortfalls The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees…

occupied Palestinian territory

Resilience in the West Bank: Impact evaluation of the ‘From Emergency Food Security to Durable Livelihoods: Building Resilience in the Occupied Palestinian Territory’ project

Report - English version

SUMMARY Oxfam GB’s Global Performance Framework is part of the organization’s effort to better understand and communicate its effectiveness, as well as enhance learning across the organization. Under this framework, a small number of completed or mature…

Evaluation and Lessons Learned
5 Oct 2021
Téléchargement  + 2 more

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza: Israel’s May Airstrikes on High-Rises [EN/AR/HE]

Arabic version

Apparently Unlawful Attacks Cause Major Lasting Harm The Israeli military’s airstrikes that destroyed four high-rise buildings in Gaza City during the May 2021 fighting apparently violated the laws of war and may amount to war crimes, Human…

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

France helps WFP support Palestinian families affected by hostilities in Gaza

Jerusalem – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) welcomed a € 500,000 contribution from France to meet pressing food needs of vulnerable non-refugee populations in the Gaza Strip. The funds will be used to provide…

News and Press Release
11 Aug 2021

occupied Palestinian territory

2021 – Gaza Emergency Food Security Assessment Following the escalation of hostilities and unrest in the State of Palestine in May 2021

Executive Summary Between 10 and 21 May 2021, hostilities between Israel and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza escalated, with destructive strikes from air, land and sea targeting government buildings, houses, and public service facilities across Gaza. The humanitarian consequences…

occupied Palestinian territory

WFP Palestine Country Brief, May 2021

In Numbers 352,417 people assisted In May 2021 USD 4.4 m in cash-based transfers made 14.8 mt of food distributed USD 23.8 m six-month (June – November 2021) WFP Palestine net funding requirements Operational Updates • In May, WFP provided food assistance…

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