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occupied Palestinian territory

oPt: MSNA 2022 Cross-Sectoral Findings, July 2022

Summary Decades of military occupation, recurrent escalations of violence, and intensifying tensions have created a complex political and humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). With limited access to opportunities for socio-economic development, an estimated 2.1…

occupied Palestinian territory

2021 – Gaza Emergency Food Security Assessment Following the escalation of hostilities and unrest in the State of Palestine in May 2021

Executive Summary Between 10 and 21 May 2021, hostilities between Israel and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza escalated, with destructive strikes from air, land and sea targeting government buildings, houses, and public service facilities across Gaza. The humanitarian consequences…

occupied Palestinian territory

Emergency Food Security Needs Assessment Report Jun 2004

Summary WFP began operating in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) in 1991 when a series of smallscale interventions targeting specific vulnerable groups were implemented through local Palestinian institutions. Throughout the 1990s and up to 2002, WFP activities ranged from relief, recovery…

30 Jun 2004

occupied Palestinian territory

Report of the food security assessment - West Bank and Gaza Strip

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As requested by the Minister for Agriculture of the Palestinian Authority (PA), FAO in cooperation with the World Food Programme (WFP) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) undertook an assessment of the food and nutrition…

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