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UNHCR MENA Regional Cash Assistance Update January to March 2021 (Q1)

This update covers sixteen operations in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in which cash-based interventions (CBIs) are currently implemented. Key Highlights 1,059,544 unique individuals reached with all modalities of cash assistance from January to March…


Déclaration commune des dirigeants du Groupe de la Banque mondiale, du Fonds monétaire international, de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé et de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce

30 juin 2021 Les dirigeants du Groupe de la Banque mondiale, du Fonds monétaire international (FMI), de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) et de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) se sont réunis aujourd’hui pour la première…

News and Press Release
IMF, World Bank, WHO
1 Jul 2021

World + 2 more

Labor Market Access in Forced Displacement Contexts

Executive Summary Refugee populations often lack legal and/or practical access to labor markets. As a result, refugees are excluded from formal, semi-formal or de facto regularized informal work. This pushes them into exploitative and illicit employment and…


Call to Action Letter on Cash Coordination [EN/AR]

English version

Dear Under-Secretary-General and Emergency Relief Coordinator, The lack of predictable and accountable coordination arrangements for humanitarian cash continues to hamper the scale, quality and timeliness of humanitarian response leading to a direct impact on the people we…

News and Press Release
British Red Cross, Govt. Sweden, Govt. Ireland, Concern, Govt. Denmark, CRS, ActionAid, Govt. Belgium, DRC, ADRA, ECHO, Govt. Canada, GOAL, CESVI, COOPI, Govt. Australia, Govt. Germany, Govt. Norway, Govt. Finland, DCA, ACTED, Govt. Netherlands, ICRC, Sphere, Trócaire, War Child UK, Medair, ZOA, Islamic Relief, IFRC, WHO, SDC, NRC, INTERSOS, Tearfund, US DOS, CARE, USAID, Christian Aid, Mercy Corps, HI, ACF, PIN, SI, Oxfam, MHI, CBM, Kenya Red Cross, HelpAge, Save the Children, Plan International, World Vision, Sphere India, GPPi, WRC, ACT Alliance, FCA, CALP Network, ACAPS, Street Child, IMPACT Initiatives, ChildFund Alliance, DW, Ground Truth Solutions, HAI, CORUS
10 Jun 2021
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