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UNHCR MENA Regional Cash Assistance Update April-June 2021 (Q2)

Key Highlights 2,392,862 unique individuals reached with all modalities of cash assistance from January to June 2021. 2,039,070 unique individuals reached with multi-purpose cash assistance in January - June 2021, including 151,949 individuals who received emergency cash assistance. USD…


Glossary of Terminology for Cash and Voucher Assistance

FOR CASH AND VOUCHER ASSISTANCE A glossary is simply an alphabetical list of terms or words found in or relating to a specific subject with explanations. This is a glossary of terms or words relating to the…

Manual and Guideline
CALP Network
13 Aug 2021

World + 4 more

Impact Evaluation: Cash-Based Transfers and Gender Window: Pre-Analysis Plan - Does Combining Cash-based Transfers with Food Assistance for Assets support Women’s Autonomy?

SUMMARY This brief presents a first window-level pre-analysis plan (PAP) under the Cash-Based Transfers (CBT) and Gender Impact Evaluation Window, developed and implemented jointly by the World Food Programme’s (WFP) Office of Evaluation (OEV), WFP's Gender Office,…

World + 26 more

IOM Cash-Based Interventions Annual Report and Case Studies 2020

Humanitarian crises are becoming increasingly complex, with more people in need of support and for longer periods. The international community is in agreement that new approaches are required to improve the delivery of humanitarian assistance. When…

World + 4 more

Money, not flour – donors turn to cash assistance programmes

When people think about humanitarian assistance, they tend to think of the distribution of tents and flour, but often other things are needed – children’s shoes or mattresses. Therefore, Germany is increasingly focusing on cash payments…

News and Press Release
Govt. Germany
20 Jul 2021

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