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Nigeria + 1 more

North-East Nigeria: Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States Monthly CMCoord Operating Environment Overview (November 2019)

Key Issues Fuel restriction remains an operational impediment particularly for the humanitarian hub in Banki and the INGO-supported Monguno General Hospital. Challenges in the movement of humanitarian convoys as a result of competing demands between security-related operations and…


North-East Nigeria: Humanitarian Situation Update - Progress on key activities from the 2019-2021 Humanitarian Response Strategy, November 2019 edition (covering 1 - 31 October)

OPERATIONAL OVERVIEW 7.1 MILLION PEOPLE IN NEED 6.2 MILLION PEOPLE TARGETED 5.6 MILLION PEOPLE REACHED In October, the humanitarian community continued to address the implications of the suspensions on the operations of Action Against Hunger (AAH/ACF) and Mercy Corps that…


UNICEF Nigeria Humanitarian Situation Report, 1-31 October 2019

Highlights The Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development announced a lifting of the suspension of two of the largest INGO partners in northeast Nigeria, which will allow for the resumption of life-saving activities in…


UNICEF Nigeria Humanitarian Situation Report, 1-30 September 2019

Highlights Humanitarian access continues to shrink, both as a result of insecurity and due to restrictions placed on humanitarian partners. On 27 September, Nigerian security forces in Maiduguri informed two major INGO partners (Action Against Hunger and Mercy…


UNICEF Nigeria Humanitarian Situation Report, 1-31 August 2019

Highlights The security situation in northeast Nigeria remains volatile, with changes in military deployments and related hostilities leading to further displacement and a reduction in humanitarian access and services, especially in Gubio, Magumeri and Nganzai LGAs. The…

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