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Hidden Scars - The Landmine Crisis in north-east Nigeria

Boko Haram conflict leaves north-east Nigeria facing severe landmine emergency North-east Nigeria is facing a landmine emergency which is having a devastating impact on people in the region. As part of the Lifesaving Lessons fundraising campaign, MAG is…


Nigeria Situation Report, 4 Jan 2021

Highlights Up to 5.1 million people risk being critically food insecure during the next lean season (June - August 2021), a level similar to 2016-2017 when famine was looming over Borno State The UN Central Emergency Fund has…

Nigeria + 12 more

Atrocity Alert No. 231: Nigeria, Use of Cluster Munitions and Niger

Atrocity Alert is a weekly publication by the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect highlighting situations where populations are at risk of, or are enduring, mass atrocity crimes. ARMED EXTREMISTS KILL AND BEHEAD DOZENS OF CIVILIANS…

News and Press Release
2 Dec 2020


Nigeria Situation Report, 26 Nov 2020

HIGHLIGHTS Up to 5.1 million people risk being critically food insecure during the next lean season (June - August 2021), a level similar to 2016-2017 when famine was looming over Borno State The UN Central Emergency Fund has…


North-East Nigeria: Protection Monitoring Report, July - August 2020

OPERATIONAL CONTEXT AND RECENT DEVELOPMENT The security situation in North-East Nigeria during the reporting period remained precarious with the Non-State Arm Groups (NSAG) sustaining a continued campaign of terror using various tactics such as indiscriminate direct and…

Situation Report
INTERSOS, UNHCR, Govt. Nigeria, FHI 360
12 Oct 2020


Nigeria Situation Report, 18 Nov 2020

HIGHLIGHTS The number of people in need of urgent assistance in north-east Nigeria rose from 7.9 million at the beginning of 2020 to 10.6 million since the onset of COVID-19. As many as 4.3 million people may become…

Nigeria + 4 more

Lake Chad Basin - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #4, Fiscal Year (FY) 2020

OAGs continue to target civilian populations, as well as humanitarian staff and facilities, particularly in northeastern Nigeria and Cameroon’s Far North Region Heavy rains since August have led to widespread flooding, exacerbating humanitarian needs throughout the region…


Nigeria Situation Report, 23 September 2020

HIGHLIGHTS The number of people in need of urgent assistance in north-east Nigeria rose from 7.9 million at the beginning of 2020 to 10.6 million since the onset of COVID-19. As many as 4.3 million people may become…


North-East Nigeria: Protection Monitoring Report, May - June 2020

OPERATIONAL CONTEXT AND RECENT DEVELOPMENT The situation context in the Northeast Nigeria in May and June was characterised by sustained activities of the NSAG and counter activities of the Government forces which resulted in the displacement of…

Situation Report
INTERSOS, UNHCR, Govt. Nigeria, FHI 360
8 Aug 2020

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