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Bulletin humanitaire Niger Janvier – février 2015

FAITS SAILLANTS Des déplacements internes de populations ont été observés pour la première fois dans la région de Diffa depuis le début de la crise au nord du Nigéria en mai 2013. Environ 1 500 personnes vulnérables sont…

Niger + 2 more

2015 Plan de réponse stratégique Niger - Janvier 2015

SOMMAIRE Objectifs stratégiques Recueillir les données sur les risques et les vulnérabilités, les analyser et intégrer les résultats dans la programmation humanitaire et de développement ; Soutenir les populations vulnérables pour mieux faire face aux chocs en répondant aux…

Niger + 3 more

Urgent need for humanitarian assistance in Western Africa refugee crisis

CARE has reached more than 50,000 people with food, cash, drinking water or hygiene kits in Niger Niamey, February 11, 2015. The conflict in northern Nigeria is causing a regional humanitarian crisis, with tens of thousands of…

News and Press Release
11 Feb 2015

Niger + 1 more

Niger: Diffa Situation Report No. 11 (as of 10 February 2015)

Highlights Since 6 February, many people have fled parts of Niger’s southeastern border region, Diffa, following the fresh attacks perpetrated by Nigerian armed groups and the conflict between these groups and military troops from Niger. The number…

Niger + 3 more

International Medical Corps Ramps up Response Effort in Niger

Rebecca Gustafson Senior Advisor, Global Communications 202-828-5155 rgustafson@InternationalMedicalCorps.org February 2, 2015 - International Medical Corps is deploying an Emergency Response Team (ERT) to Niger to help families fleeing the violence of Boko Haram in Nigeria. The Niger ERT is…

News and Press Release
2 Feb 2015

Niger + 2 more

Humanitarian Action for Children 2015: Niger

UNICEF is requesting US$42.5 million to meet the humanitarian needs of children in Niger in 2015. Niger is facing a multifaceted humanitarian crisis caused by food insecurity, malnutrition, population movements, epidemics, and natural disasters – and the…

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