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Niger + 8 more

Desert as deadly as sea for surge of Europe-bound migrants

Source: Sat, 16 May 2015 04:30 GMT Author: Reuters By Daniel Flynn DAKAR, May 15 (Reuters) - At least as many migrants may be dying of hunger and thirst in the Sahara as are drowning in the Mediterranean during…

News and Press Release
16 May 2015

Niger + 1 more

Niger: Diffa - Special Situation Report (as of 7 May 2015)

Highlights As of 7 May, around25,700 people had left the Lake Chad villages islands at the request of the authorities. About 6,000 Nigerianshave chosen to return home. Priority needs of newly displaced people include food, shelter and water. The…

Niger + 1 more

40 more mouths to feed in Niger

Over 80 per cent of refugees from Nigeria have found shelter in host families in Niger, most of them poor and chronically hungry themselves. This is an account of humbling hospitality and one woman’s strength. “A cow…

News and Press Release
12 May 2015

Niger + 2 more

UNHCR Niger Factsheet - April 2015

MAIN ACTIVITIES Protection Nigeria situation: The 30th of April the Niger authorities ordered the evacuation of the Islands of Lake Chad located on the South East of N’Guigmi Departement in order to proceed to military operations in the…

Niger + 1 more

Niger UNHCR Weekly Update 29 April – 06 May 2015

HIGHLIGHTS The Niger authorities ordered the evacuation of the Islands of Lake Chad located on the South East of N’Guigmi Departement in order to proceed to military operations in the fight against the insurgents. This evacuation caused…

Niger + 1 more

Niger: "People are in need of food, water, shelter... the basics"

Interview with Abdalla Hussein, MSF’s emergency coordinator in Diffa, Niger With the arrival of thousands of people to Diffa town, fleeing from possible attacks by the armed group Boko Haram in the villages of Lake Chad, MSF…

News and Press Release
11 May 2015

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