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Libya + 2 more

Update no 12: Humanitarian Situation in Libya and the Neighbouring Countries

Highlights - The coalition continued to enforce UN Security Council Resolution 1973 by attacking Libya's command-and-control facilities, air defense sites as well as some ground forces in Libya. At the same time, pro-Gaddafi troops are reportedly continuing their offences. Increased internal…

Libya + 4 more

Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah: Crisis Situation Report No. 14

I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES - On 17 March the Security Council adopted resolution 1973. This authorised Member States "to take all necessary measures ... to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya". - On…

Libya + 1 more

Middle East & North Africa: Civil Unrest - Operations update n° 3

Emergency appeal n° MDR82001 GLIDE n° OT-2011-000025-TUN/LBY/EGY 17 March 2011 Summary: Period covered by this Ops Update: 9-15 March 2011 Appeal target (current): CHF 4,458,090; Appeal coverage: 71% (Note: this is an early provisional figure; contributions are being recorded. The cash support made for…

Libya + 1 more

Aide d'urgence aux migrants à la frontière Tunisio-Libyenne

Par Najwa Mekki RAS JDIR, Tunisie, 9 mars 2011 - Il y a deux ans, désespérant de pouvoir gagner de l'argent pour sa famille, Joy a laissé son fils de quatre ans aux soins de sa mère au Nigeria,…

News and Press Release
16 Mar 2011

Libya + 1 more

British Red Cross emergency team heads to Libyan border

A British Red Cross emergency hygiene and sanitation team is on its way to Tunisia with urgently needed sanitation equipment for people fleeing civil war in neighbouring Libya. On 15 March, the four-member team headed to the Tunisian border town…

News and Press Release
British Red Cross
15 Mar 2011

Libya + 1 more

UNICEF supplies arrive near Tunisian-Libyan border

RAS JEDIR, Tunisia, 15 March 2011 - Some 47 tons of UNICEF supplies have arrived in the town of Ben Guerdane near the Tunisian-Libyan border, to cover needs in the areas of health, child protection, nutrition, water, sanitation and…

News and Press Release
15 Mar 2011

Libya + 4 more

Libya - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #10, Fiscal Year (FY) 2011

KEY DEVELOPMENTS - As of March 14, fighting between pro- and anti-government forces had begun spreading east and west from Tripoli, according to international media sources. On March 14, pro-government forces attacked the town of Zuwarah, located approximately 110 km…


Baseline Indicators (Libya) Collected by VTCs

The following nation-wide humanitarian indicators for Libya have been compiled by OCHA, in collaboration with Volunteer Technical Communities, in order to provide the humanitarian community with a baseline for the on-going analysis of the humanitarian situation. The indicators have been…

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