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Norway funds WHO with US$ 1.4 million to bring medical supplies into Libya

31 March 2011 | Geneva, Oslo - The Government of Norway decided to provide emergency funding in order to ensure urgently required medical supplies reach the vulnerable population in Libya. WHO, in coordination with other UN agencies and partners, will…

News and Press Release
31 Mar 2011

Libya + 1 more

Vuelve a aumentar el número de desplazados en la frontera Túnez-Libia

Un mes después del inicio del conflicto, vuelve a aumentar el número de desplazados que cruza la frontera libio-tunecina escapando de la violencia: hoy son 9.000 las personas que se concentran en este campo Acción contra el Hambre está distribuyendo 5.000…

News and Press Release
Acción contra el Hambre
30 Mar 2011

Libya + 6 more

Libya - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #14, Fiscal Year (FY) 2011

KEY DEVELOPMENTS · As of March 28, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has assumed command of the international mission to enforce the no-fly zone in Libya, where coalition airstrikes on Libyan military sites continue, according to international…

Libya + 6 more

Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah: Crisis Situation Report No. 17

This report is produced by OCHA Libya. The next report will be issued on or around 29 March . I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES - As fighting continues, many humanitarian actors continue to respond in the border regions, while some humanitarian organizations are…

Libya + 6 more

Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah: Crisis Situation Report No. 16

This report is produced by OCHA Libya. The next report will be issued on or around 27 March. I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES - Hostilities continue in several locations including Mistrata, Ajdabiyah and Zintan, where protection of civilians and humanitarian needs remain the…


Libya: ICRC makes urgent call for access to wounded

There is no respite for civilians living in battle zones in Libya. Amid air strikes by international forces, heavy fighting continues between government troops and the armed opposition at various locations. Access for humanitarian aid agencies remains restricted in most…

News and Press Release
24 Mar 2011

Libya + 2 more

Update no 12: Humanitarian Situation in Libya and the Neighbouring Countries

Highlights - The coalition continued to enforce UN Security Council Resolution 1973 by attacking Libya's command-and-control facilities, air defense sites as well as some ground forces in Libya. At the same time, pro-Gaddafi troops are reportedly continuing their offences. Increased internal…

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