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Libya: Tripoli Crisis mVAM Bulletin #2: April - May 2019

Thousands of IDPs, markets are resilient, food prices are increasing Key Findings Satisfactory access to markets in most of Tripoli (except suburban areas in direct contact with the clashes). Prices of fresh vegetables have increased. Minimal price variations for other…

Libya + 1 more

Libya: Tripoli Clashes Situation Report No. 25 As of 24 May 2019 (covering 17 – 24 May)

82,300 people internally displaced by ongoing hostilities 135 civilian casualties confirmed, including 31 civilian fatalities 45,600 people assisted with some form of humanitarian assistance since the onset of crisis $10.2M funding required for Tripoli Flash Appea SITUATION OVERVIEW The humanitarian situation…

Libya + 6 more

UNHCR Update Libya (24 May 2019)

Population movements Since 4 April, over 82,000 individuals have been displaced (IDPs) due to the clashes taking place in and around Tripoli. This week another 12,700 civilians moved from conflict areas to safer locations in cities along…

Libya + 1 more

DTM Libya - Tripoli Flash Update #17 (23 May 2019)

Since DTM’s last update on 17 May, clashes and airstrikes reportedly continued in the areas of Wadi al Rabea, Swani, Qasr Ben Gashir, Khalla al Furjan, Ain Zara and Aziziya. DTM identified an additional 1,455 displaced…

Libya + 1 more

UNICEF Libya Flash Update: Western Libya Emergency Response, 13 May–19 May 2019

Situation in numbers 1.5 million people affected 500,000 children affected 75,000 Population displaced Response 18,825 People reached with hygiene items 7,227 Children reached with psychosocial and recreational services 200,516 People reached with primary health care services 3,734 Women and children received food supplementation Humanitarian Situation…

Libya + 1 more

IOM Libya Update | 01 - 15 May 2019

DIRECT HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE (SO FAR IN 2019) AREAS REACHED 26 DETENTION CENTRES 29 IDPs/RETURNEES COMMUNITIES 5 HOSPITALS 10 MIGRANTS IN URBAN AREAS & DISEMBARKATION POINTS The Health team provided assistance to 658 migrants inside and outside detention centres as well as disembarkation…

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