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Libya + 4 more

UNHCR Resettlement Update #64 - Libya-Niger Situation

Persons of Concern to UNHCR in Libya As of 3 June 2019, a total of 55,493 asylum seekers and refugees are registered with UNHCR in Libya. A total of 4,058 individuals have been identified by UNHCR and…

Libya + 9 more

UNHCR Update Libya (31 May 2019) [EN/AR]

English version

Highlights This week, UNHCR supported 244 refugees and asylum-seekers with solutions. On 30 May, UNHCR evacuated 149 refugees from the Gathering and Departure Facility (GDF) in Tripoli to Rome, Italy. The evacuation took place from the airport…

Situation Report
31 May 2019
Téléchargement  + 1 more

Libya + 1 more

DTM Libya - Tripoli Flash Update #18 (30 May 2019)

Since the last update of the IOM Libya Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) on 23 May, displacement from conflict affected areas in south Tripoli has continued. DTM identified an additional 1,640 displaced families (approximately 8,200 individuals) since…

Libya + 7 more

UNHCR evacuates hundreds of vulnerable refugees out of Libya to safety

Amid violent clashes and a deteriorating security situation in Tripoli, 149 vulnerable refugees and asylum-seekers were today evacuated to safety in Rome. The evacuees are from Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan and Ethiopia. They include 65 children, 13 of…

News and Press Release
30 May 2019

Libya + 1 more

UNICEF Libya Flash Update: Western Libya Emergency Response, 20 May– 26 May 2019

Situation in numbers 1.5 million people affected 500,000 children affected 82,300 Population displaced Response 20,825 People reached with hygiene items 9,511 Children reached with psychosocial and recreational services 222,576 People reached with primary health care services 3,734 Women and children received food supplementation Humanitarian Situation…

Libya + 4 more

UNHCR Resettlement Update #63 - Libya-Niger Situation

Persons of Concern to UNHCR in Libya As of 27 May 2019, a total of 57,147 asylum seekers and refugees are registered with UNHCR in Libya. A total of 4,178 individuals have been identified by UNHCR and…

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