Cartes / Infographies

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Libya: Thematic Access Snapshot (UNHAS) (10 Apr 2021)

OVERVIEW Managed by WFP, the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) has been the main air transport service for humanitarians in Libya since starting operations in September 2018. Between July 2020 and March 2021, UNHAS transported a…


Libya: Humanitarian Access Snapshot (February 2021)

OVERVIEW February saw a decrease in access constraints by nearly 33%. In a continuing trend that dates back to March 2020, bureaucratic restrictions impeding movement of humanitarian agencies, personnel and goods make up the bulk of reported…


Libya: Humanitarian Access Snapshot (January 2021)

OVERVIEW Humanitarian access constraints dropped by 4% compared to last month. Bureaucratic restrictions hindering entry of humanitarian personnel and aid into the country made up more than half of reported constraints. With the increasing humanitarian needs, support from national authorities is…

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