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Libya + 1 more

UNHCR Libya NFIs and HKs Factsheet, June 2021

OVERVIEW As a leading agency of Non-Food Items (NFIs) assistance, the distribution of NFIs remains as one of the most crucial activities for UNHCR Libya operation. Through its partners, International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the Libyan Association…


Libya: Humanitarian Access Snapshot (June 2021)

OVERVIEW Access constraints reported by humanitarian partners continued a downward trend marking a 9 per cent decrease in comparison with May and an 84 per cent decrease compared to May 2020, which was the month that witnessed…

Libya + 11 more

Libya: Activities at Disembarkation, Monthly Update - June 2021

Libya continues to be a transit point for departure from North Africa towards Europe. UNHCR's interventions at disembarkation points in Libya focus on the provision of life-saving assistance and protection monitoring, to identify persons in need…

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