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WFP The Gambia Country Brief, July 2016

English version

Highlights Purchase from Africans from Africa (PAA Africa) is set to launch in July. A consultative process has been initiated between the WFP, the Gambia Government, and the FAO, along with partner organisations in the country. The School Meals…


GIEWS Country Brief: Gambia 16-August-2016

FOOD SECURITY SNAPSHOT Early crop prospects favourable Humanitarian assistance continues to be needed Growing conditions remain mostly favourable Prospects for the 2016 cereal crops, to be harvested from September, are favourable in most regions following regular and widespread precipitation since…

News and Press Release
18 Aug 2016


WFP The Gambia Country Brief, June 2016

Highlights Purchase from Africans from Africa (PAA Africa) is set to launch in The Gambia in July. A consultative process has been initiated between the WFP, the Gambia Government, and the FAO, along with partner organisations in the…


WFP The Gambia Country Brief, May 2016

Highlights The Gambia was selected for inclusion in the Purchasing from Africans for Africa Initiative (PAA) scale-up, Supporting Government-led initiatives of food procurement from small farmers for social protection. The Comprehensive Food Security & Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA) is…


WFP The Gambia Country Brief, April 2016

Highlights The country office and partners have completed data collection for the Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA). Preliminary findings of the school meals cost benefit analysis were presented to key partners. Cost benefit Tools and examples…


Dangerous to Dissent: Human Rights Under Threat in Gambia

In December 2016, Gambia holds Presidential elections amid serious violations of the rights of opposition members, journalists, human rights defenders, civil society organizations and voters to express themselves freely and without fear of reprisal. This report…

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