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Press briefing note on Gambia

Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Rupert Colville Location: Geneva Subject: Gambia We are concerned that two weeks after their detention, two Gambian journalists continue to be held incommunicado, with no access to family members…

News and Press Release
23 Nov 2016


WFP The Gambia Country Brief, October 2016

Highlights A Lead Convenor for the national strategic review which will inform the Country Strategic Plan (2018-2022) has been officially identified upon endorsement by the Government. IR-EMOP 201036 has been activated to assist households affected by 2016 heavy…


Gambia: Three Journalists Arrested as Campaign Begins

Media Freedom Crucial Prior to December 1 Election (Nairobi) – Gambian authorities arbitrarily detained three journalists just days before the November 16 start of the two-week presidential election campaign, Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities should…

News and Press Release
16 Nov 2016


WFP The Gambia Country Brief, September 2016

Highlights The pilot cash transfers for the school meals programme started in September 2016 in 24 schools. A Lead Convenor for the national strategic review which will inform the Country Strategic Plan (2018-2022) has been identified and endorsed…


UNICEF Gambia Humanitarian Situation Report, 19 September 2016

Situation in Numbers 2,776 children affected out of 4,633 affected people (NDMA, Sept 2016) UNICEF Appeal 2016* $2,146,400. The Gambia’s is a part of the 2016 Sahel Chapter. Flood Response needs $275,000. Allocation for 2016 was $343,174.29 in total, of which a balance of $149,000 remains. Highlights Heavy rains,…


WFP The Gambia Country Brief, August 2016

Highlights The Pilot cash transfers for the school meals programme is set to launch in September. In total, 24 schools from all six regions will benefit from the pilot. WFP Assistance The School Meals Project focuses on strengthening the…


Gambia: Opposition in Gambia - The danger of dissent

In December 2016, Gambia will hold presidential elections. The run-up period is likely to be a testing time for human rights since previous experiences have shown that opposition members, journalists, human rights defenders, civil society organizations…


Ending Female Genital Mutilation in the Gambia

“FGM…has been hurting us.” Ndyandin Dawara recently made a momentous decision: she decided she would not subject her toddler daughter to female genital mutilation (FGM). FGM is a long-running harmful traditional practice in her community in the…

News and Press Release
UN Women
8 Sep 2016

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