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Tchad Rapport de situation, 25 sept 2020

FAITS SAILLANTS### Au 23 septembre, 1 171 cas de COVID-19 ont été signalés cumulativement dans 17 provinces, avec 82 décès Même si le Tchad n’a pas enregistré un nombre très important de cas de COVID-19, le taux de…


Chad: Quick Alerts - 25 September 2020

HEALTH SITUATION Tibesti and Borkou State authorities confirm outbreak of leishmaniasis in northern parts of Chad: Following the reports of goldminers being affected by an unidentified disease, a delegation from the Ministry of Public Health carried out an assessment in…


Tchad : notre action de janvier à juin 2020

Au Tchad, le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) apporte protection et assistance aux personnes touchées par le conflit armé qui sévit dans la Province du Lac. Il met tout en œuvre pour améliorer leur sort…

News and Press Release
25 Sep 2020


Chikungunya – Chad : Disease outbreak news, 24 September 2020

From July through 20 September 2020, a total of 27 540 cases were reported in three provinces, distributed as follows: 24 302 cases in the health district of Abéché, 3237 cases in the health district of…

News and Press Release
24 Sep 2020

Chad + 1 more

Chad: Quick Alerts - 18 September 2020

HEALTH SITUATION COVID-19 update As of 16 September, there have been 1,115 reported cases and 81 deaths in 16 provinces. The newly affected province is Mayo-Kebbi ouest which recorded its first case last week. During a press conference…

Chad + 3 more

WFP Chad Country Brief, August 2020

In Numbers 21,582 mt of food assistance distributed USD 2.6 m cash-based transfers made USD 19 m six months (September 2020 – February 2021) net funding requirements 1,044,298 people assisted in August 2020 Operational Updates • WFP supports the Government of Chad…

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