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Chad Situation Report, 10 Nov 2020

HIGHLIGHTS Floods do not spare the capital N’Djamena 3 000 N'Djamenois affected by the flooding of the Logone river The Lac province is facing a double security and environmental crisis Mayo-Kebbi East: a province ravaged by heavy flooding The impact of…


Chad: Quick Alerts - 6 November 2020

COVID-19 Extension of curfew by two weeks in many provinces: In order to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, on 1 November, the Government of Chad extended by two weeks the curfew in the most affected…


Tchad Rapport de situation, 6 Nov 2020

FAITS SAILLANTS Les inondations n’épargnent pas la capitale N’Djamena La province du Lac est confrontée à une double crise sécuritaire et environnementale Le Mayo-Kebbi Est : une province ravagée par des fortes inondations L’impact des inondations sur la sécurité alimentaire…


COVID-19 Concern Worldwide’s Response in Chad - Activity report III

Key figures July August September 11 spots and 5 awarenessraising sketches broadcasted in Kanembou, Boudouma, Dadjo, French & local Arabic. 22,000 listeners reached in the Lake and 28,000 in the Sila with awareness messages 3,350 posters printed and distributed 110,000 bars of…

Chad + 2 more

Chad Food Security Outlook - October 2020 to May 2021

Good harvests improve the food situation despite COVID-19 and floods Key Messages Good rainfall recorded during the season, with surplus accumulations, promoted smooth progress for the 2020/2021 agropastoral season. Despite the succession of dry spells followed by flooding…

Chad + 3 more

WFP Chad Country Brief, September 2020

In Numbers 16,485 mt of food assistance distributed USD 633,511 cash-based transfers made USD 20.5 m six months (October 2020 – March 2021) net funding requirements 692,543 people assisted in September 2020 Operational Updates • WFP supports the Government of Chad in…

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