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Chad + 3 more

UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Situation Report, November 2016

Highlights Despite incidents reported in Kaiga-Kindjiria area, the security situation remains relatively calm in the Lake region. A decrease in incidents has coincided with the surrender of elements associated with armed groups in recent weeks. Results from the…

Chad + 5 more

Tchad : 2017 Plan de réponse humanitaire | janvier - décembre 2017

POPULATION TOTALE DU TCHAD 14,2M PERSONNES DANS LE BESOIN 4,7M PERSONNES CIBLÉES 2,6M BUDGET (US$) 589M # PARTENAIRES HUMANITAIRES 117 PRÉFACE J’ai l’honneur de partager avec vous le plan de réponse humanitaire 2017 et le cadre pluriannuel 2017-2019 du Tchad, développé en…

Chad + 5 more

Tchad : Aperçu des besoins humanitaires 2017

PERSONNES DANS LE BESOIN 4,7M BESOINS HUMANITAIRES ET CHIFFRES CLÉS L'insécurité alimentaire, les déplacements de population et les urgences sanitaires, exacerbés par les risques climatiques et le faible développement humain, précipitent environ 8,1 millions de personnes, presque les…


Water, Livestock, and Malnutrition: Findings from an Impact Assessment of "Community Resilience to Acute Malnutrition" Programming in the Dar Sila Region of Eastern Chad, 2012–2015

Anastasia Marshak, Helen Young, and Anne Radday EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Dar Sila region of eastern Chad experiences highly variable rainfall, seasonal food insecurity, and high prevalence of acute malnutrition. In 2012, Concern Worldwide put in place an integrated…

Evaluation and Lessons Learned
Tufts Univ.
18 Dec 2016


Chad: MSF teams treating and preventing hepatitis E in Am Timan

Heavily pregnant, Miriam rests on the bed as an MSF gynaecologist performs an ultrasound of her growing belly. She seems surprised when, unexpectedly, the outline of a baby appears on the monitor, and her expression quickly…

News and Press Release
14 Dec 2016

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