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Chad + 2 more

UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Situation Report, March 2017

Highlights: 179 new suspected cases of Hepatitis E have been reported in the 3 health districts of Salamat. Since September 2016, the total of cases is 1,314 of which 201 cases were tested and 96 of these…

Chad + 3 more

Cartographie de l’Accès et de la Qualité des Points d’Eau dans la Zone Humanitaire du Lac Tchad

La grave crise humanitaire qui sévit dans la Région du Lac Tchad a aggravé les conditions de vie déjà précaires d’une grande majorité des populations de cette région. L’accès aux services de base et à l’eau…

Help, Govt. Switzerland, Govt. Germany, Sida, UNITAR, ACF, UNICEF, Oxfam, Govt. Chad
18 Apr 2017

Chad + 3 more

UNHCR Chad Factsheet - March 2017

HIGHLIGHTS Three humanitarian corridors identified in Southern Chad for the potential voluntary return of CAR refugees not yet functional. Potential refugees for the Chadian national exam-Baccalaureate for 2016/2017 increased by 34%. Women make up 60% of candidates. Preliminary results…

Chad + 10 more

West and Central Africa: Humanitarian Bulletin - March 2017

In this issue LCB crisis: action urged to avert famine P.1 Huge needs amid fresh clashes in CAR P.3 Gambia’s post-poll crisis response P.4 Shaping up the New Way of Working P.6 Regional epidemics highlights P.7 Regional funding update P.8 HIGHLIGHTS International action urged…

Chad + 1 more

Tchad : nouvelle vague de réfugiés de la RCA

Aristophane Ngargoune P.I. Associate, UNHCR Goré Goré, 06 avril 2017 (UNHCR) – Entre mardi 4 avril et mercredi 5 avril 2017, 1.135 réfugiés centrafricains dont plus de 80% de femmes et d’enfants sont arrivés dans le village tchadien…

News and Press Release
6 Apr 2017

Chad + 1 more

Chad: Flash Update - New refugees from CAR to Chad

Gore, 6th April 2016 (UNHCR) - Over a 1000 people have arrived in southern Chad fleeing new violence in the north-west of Central African Republic (CAR). UNHCR and Government's national refugee commission, CNARR, led a multi-agency mission…

News and Press Release
6 Apr 2017

Chad + 2 more

Humanitarian Bulletin Chad, Issue 02 | February 2017

HIGHLIGHTS After three years of assistance at the Gaoui site, the humanitarian community advocates for durable solutions to facilitate the reintegration of returnees. The Oslo Humanitarian Conference allowed the countries of the Lake Chad Basin to receive pledges…

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