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Chad + 6 more

Health Action in Crises - Highlights No. 267, 10 - 16 Aug 2009

Each week, the World Health Organization Health Action in Crises in Geneva produces information highlights on critical health-related activities in countries where there are humanitarian crises. Drawing on the various WHO programmes, contributions cover activities from field and country offices…

Chad + 4 more

Sudan - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #11, Fiscal Year (FY) 2009

U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT BUREAU FOR DEMOCRACY, CONFLICT, AND HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE (DCHA) FOREIGN DISASTER ASSISTANCE (OFDA) Note: The last fact sheet was dated July 2, 2009. BACKGROUND In 2009, Sudan continues to cope with the effects of conflict, displacement, and insecurity countrywide.…

Chad + 6 more

Health Action in Crises - Highlights No. 266, 27 July - 9 Aug 2009

Each week, the World Health Organization Health Action in Crises in Geneva produces information highlights on critical health-related activities in countries where there are humanitarian crises. Drawing on the various WHO programmes, contributions cover activities from field and country offices…

Chad + 1 more

Bulletin d'information humanitaire Tchad, du 7 au 20 juillet 2009

Faits Majeurs - Quatre nouveaux cas de polio enregistrés au Tchad en juin; - La non-reconnaissance du diplôme de fin d'études primaires des réfugiés: un frein à la scolarisation des enfants dans les camps; - Le Gouvernement facilite le retour des déplacés dans…


Chad: MINURCAT inaugurates a well in Iridimi village

On 10th July, a delegation of 15 senior MINURCAT and UN country team officials, headed by the Deputy Secial Representative of the UN secretary-General (DSRSG) Ms. Rima Salah, travelled to Iridimi village in Iriba to inaugurate a well funded…

News and Press Release
16 Jul 2009

Chad + 1 more

Programme d'appui à l'apprentissage collectif et à l'amélioration de la qualité de la réponse humanitaire à l'est du Tchad : Mission multidisciplinaire du 1er au 28 mai 2009 - Rapport de synthèse

INTRODUCTION Le Groupe URD(1), institut de recherche, d'évaluation et de formation pour l'action humanitaire, met en place au Tchad un programme innovant d'apprentissage collectif : l'Observatoire des Pratiques de l'Aide au Tchad (OPAT). Cet observatoire démarre pour une première phase…

Chad + 4 more

Health Action in Crises - Highlights No. 260, 01 - 07 Jun 2009

Each week, the World Health Organization Health Action in Crises in Geneva produces information highlights on critical health-related activities in countries where there are humanitarian crises. Drawing on the various WHO programmes, contributions cover activities from field and country offices…

Chad + 1 more

Sudan: Complex Emergency Situation Report #09 (FY 2009)

U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT BUREAU FOR DEMOCRACY, CONFLICT, AND HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE (DCHA) OFFICE OF U.S. FOREIGN DISASTER ASSISTANCE (OFDA) Note: The last situation report was dated May 4, 2009. BACKGROUND In 2009, Sudan continues to cope with the effects of conflict, displacement,…

Chad + 4 more

Sudan: Complex Emergency Situation Report #08 (FY 2009)

U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT BUREAU FOR DEMOCRACY, CONFLICT, AND HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE (DCHA) OFFICE OF U.S. FOREIGN DISASTER ASSISTANCE (OFDA) Note: The last situation report was dated April 3, 2009. BACKGROUND In 2009, Sudan continues to cope with the effects of conflict, displacement,…

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