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Of water, animals and men

ABECHE (ACTED News) -- ACTED’s programs in Eastern Chad usually include an infrastructure aspect, in the building or rehabilitation of wells to support women, who are usually assigned with the chore of water collection in a…

News and Press Release
10 Apr 2011

Chad + 2 more

Chad - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #1, Fiscal Year (FY) 2011

KEY DEVELOPMENTS - Due to the compounded effects of multiple natural shocks-including drought, flooding, and pest infestations-and associated increases in food insecurity, malnutrition, and disease, the estimated number of people in need of humanitarian assistance in Chad increased from approximately 500,000…


Chad: A whole community having new toilets in one month!

February 7, 2011 - In the village of Gamé in central Chad open defecation was a common practice. The same flies found on the feces were found on the food that people ate. No wonder why there were stomachs…

News and Press Release
Int'l Aid Services
7 Feb 2011

Chad + 4 more

Sudan - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #1, Fiscal Year (FY) 2011

KEY DEVELOPMENTS - Thousands of individuals continue to return by road, rail, barge, and plane from northern Sudan to their homelands in Southern Sudan and the Three Areas of Southern Kordofan, Blue Nile, and Abyei. As of December 28, relief…

Chad + 8 more

DFID's Expenditure on Humanitarian Assistance 2009/10

Executive Summary This report evaluates DFID's Humanitarian Assistance spending during the financial year 2009/10. The report does not include a breakdown of the UK contribution (13%) to the European Commission Humanitarian Office (ECHO) which spent €930 million on Humanitarian assistance during…


Chad: Local Development Program Support Project II

Project Objectives [from section 2 of PCN] The Project Development Objectives are to assist the Government to: (i) increase access to basic infrastructure services in targeted poor communes, (ii) improve the capacity of local institutions and communities to manage the…

Chad + 9 more

ACTED Newsletter #66 October 2010

Contents Generosity in the face of hardship (Tajikistan) Improving Water and Sanitation facilities in prisons in South Sudan (Sudan) The necessity of protecting the environment in Bahai, East of Chad (Chad) Foes become friends across the border (Uganda) Psycho-social support for the children of Gaza…

News and Press Release
22 Oct 2010

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