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Chad + 2 more

Tchad Bulletin Humanitaire N° 02 | Octobre 2015

FAITS SAILLANTS L’insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle est critique dans le Sahel ouest avec des taux inquiétants. Au Lac, l’insécurité complique l’accès humanitaire. Le phénomène El Niño annoncé dans les pays du Sahel et le Tchad pourrait avoir un impact…

Chad + 2 more

Chad Humanitarian Bulletin Issue 02 | October 2015

HIGHLIGHTS Food insecurity is critical in the Sahel West with alarming malnutrition rates. In Lac, insecurity is making humanitarian access difficult. El Niño could have a negative impact on food security in the country. Chad will attend the Paris Conference…

Chad + 3 more

UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Situation Report, October 2015

Highlights Population movements continue to take place in the Lake Chad region as insecurity continues to deteriorate. The humanitarian community estimates at 82,782 the number of refugees, IDPs, returnees and thirdcountry nationals currently displaced in the Lake…

Chad + 3 more

UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Situation Report, September 2015

Highlights As of 21 September, OCHA reported that 68,000 people have fled their homes since July (IDPs, Chadian returnees and refugees from Nigeria and from Niger): amongst them 47,000 are IDPs. Successive attacks on 22, 23 and 29…

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