
ReliefWeb results


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, July 2023

In Numbers 395 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 514,000 cash to schools for Home-Grown School Feeding In the next 6 months, there is no funding gap for the current CSP. 185,000 people assisted Operational Updates School Feeding Programme • To ensure a…


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, June 2023

In Numbers 373 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 514,000 cash to schools for Home-Grown School Feeding US$ 32,000 six-month (July - December 2023) net funding requirements 185,000 people assisted Operational Updates School Feeding Programme WFP and the Ministry of Education, Youth and…


Leveraging climate risk data tools to inform social protection: The case of WFP’s Platform for Real-time Impact and Situation Monitoring (PRISM)

Social protection systems can be leveraged to respond to different natural hazards and provide timely support to affected people. However, very few social protection programmes have data on climate and natural hazard vulnerability and exposure. Furthermore,…

Evaluation and Lessons Learned
10 Jul 2023


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, May 2023

In Numbers 195 mt of food assistance distributed US$269,000 cash to schools for Home-Grown School Meals US$30,000 six-month (June-November 2023) net funding requirements 185,000 people assisted Operational Updates Social Protection School Feeding Programme In support of a smooth transition to national ownership, WFP and…


Cambodia Country Factsheet 2022

The Country Factsheet 2022 is a summary document of World Vision International in Cambodia’s work of the fiscal year 2022 illustrating its coverage, focus area, development partners, and how its work aligns with the Sustainable Development…

News and Press Release
World Vision
15 Jun 2023

Cambodia + 14 more

Over the tipping point: How multiple, overlapping climate and environmental shocks and hazards on children in the East Asia and Pacific region are eroding their coping strategies, exacerbating inequality, and forever changing their futures

Children in East Asia and the Pacific face the greatest exposure to multiple climate disasters Children in the region face six times more climate related shocks compared to their grandparents eroding their coping capacity and exacerbating inequality BANGKOK, 24…

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