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Tzu Chi’s Relief Action After Flood in Cambodia

In Cambodia, the rainy season is usually from May to October. But this year, though it was nearing the end of the rainy season, a bout of torrential rain in mid-October caused severe flooding in the…

News and Press Release
Tzu Chi Foundation
7 Dec 2016


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, October 2016

Highlights The new school year 2016/2017 will start officially on 01 November 2016. WFP Assistance WFP provides assistance to the most marginalised Cambodians living in food-insecure communities through the Country Programme (CP). The CP, launched in 2011, has been…

Cambodia + 1 more

WFP Cambodia Country Brief, September 2016

Highlights The WFP Country Director and the Japanese Ambassador to Cambodia signed an Exchange of Notes for Japan’s Grant Assistance on 23 September for USD 2 million to the School Feeding Programme in 2016-20. WFP Assistance WFP provides assistance…


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, August 2016

Highlights WFP successfully implemented its School Feeding Programme including School Meals and Scholarship Programme for the 2015/2016 school year. The Programme will be resumed in November for the new 2016/2017 school year. In the 2015/2016 school year, WFP’s…

Cambodia + 1 more

WFP Cambodia Country Brief, July 2016

Highlights The United States Government has awarded a USD 15.2 million grant for the next two fiscal years to WFP’s School Meals and Take-Home Rations programmes through the USDA McGovern-Dole initiative. Operational Updates In collaboration with the Ministry of…


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, June 2016

Highlights The United States Government has awarded a USD 15.2 million grant for the next two fiscal years to WFP’s school meals and scholarship (Take Home Ration) programmes through the USDA McGovernDole initiative. Mr Miki Watanabe, Chief Secretary…


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, May 2016

Highlights WFP in collaboration with UNICEF and FAO is finalizing an assessment of the medium and long term needs for the response to drought conditions in Cambodia as a result of El Niño. This includes a nationwide…


GIEWS Country Brief: Cambodia 17-June-2016

Food Security Snapshot Increased rainfall relieve drought-affected areas Rice production in 2015 unchanged from 2014 level Exports of rice forecast to increase in 2016 Prolonged drought affected about 2.5 million people Increased rainfall relieve drought-affected areas Plantings of the main (wet) season…

News and Press Release
20 Jun 2016

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