
ReliefWeb results


Cambodia, Flooding in Bateay Meanchey Province (20 Sep 2021)

AFFECTED AREA/S Bântéay Méanchey DESCRIPTION The total (primary) impacts caused by the floods in Banteay Meanchey province as of the evening of September 26, 2021 include: Affects 6 cities-districts equal to 30 communes-Sangkats-Affects about 6,686 families and evacuates 736 families Submerged…

News and Press Release
AHA Centre
27 Sep 2021


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, August 2021

In Numbers 326 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 215,000 cash-based transfers made US$ 78,000 six months net funding requirements (September 2021 to February 2022) 300,000 people assisted in August 2021 Operational Updates School Feeding Programme • WFP and the Ministry of Education,…


Child Protection in Emergency Contingency Plan 2020-2021

1. Introduction and Situation Summary The 2019-20 coronavirus outbreak is an ongoing global outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 caused by the SARS coronavirus. The disease was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China in December 2019, spreading to every…

Manual and Guideline
Govt. Cambodia, UNICEF, Save the Children, World Vision
14 Sep 2021


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, July 2021

In Numbers US$ 54,000 six months net funding requirements (August 2020 to January 2021) WFP began the take-home ration programme in place of the school meals programme during school closures. Take-Home Rations To further mitigate the economic impacts of COVID19…


Climate Risk Country Profile - Cambodia

KEY MESSAGES • Cambodia is projected to experience warming of 3.1°C by the 2090s, against the baseline conditions over 1986–2005 under the highest emissions pathway, RCP8.5. • Increases in annual maximum and minimum temperatures are…


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, May 2021

In Numbers US$ 2.39 million six months net funding requirements (June to November 2021) No direct beneficiaries or transfers in May. The distributions as part of the school feeding programme are on hold due to COVID-19 related school…

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